Our assurance of salvation

Jesus has given us many precious promises in His Word. The Bible says that claiming these promises by faith makes us partakers of the divine nature, 2 Peter 1:4. We can have the assurance of salvation as we trust God and the promises found in His word.

Remember John 10:28 which says, “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

The following is a list of 20 blessed promises about our salvation. This is only a small portion of what the Bible says about our assurance of salvation.

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  1. He will keep you from falling — Jude 1:24
  2. Judgment will be given to (or in favor of) the saints — Daniel 7:22
  3. He leads you in paths of righteousness — Psalms 23:3
  4. He gives you victory now — 1 Corinthians 15:57
  5. He who started a good work in you will complete it — Philippians 1:6
  6. Jesus is your attorney — 1 John 2:1
  7. The Father also loves you — John 15:27
  8. He promises forgiveness and cleansing from sin daily — 1 John 1:9
  9. He forgets your sin and iniquity — Hebrews 8:12
  10. Jesus assures you and asks that you be bold — Hebrews 10:19-22
  11. Jesus promises to confess you before angels — Revelation 3:5
  12. Overcoming is promised by Jesus’ blood — Revelation 12:11
  13. Jesus offers you the wedding garment, (His righteousness) free — Matthew 22:11
  14. No one can take you out of Jesus’ hands — John 10:29
  15. If you believe in Jesus you cannot be condemned — John 5:24
  16. Jesus always causes you to triumph — 2 Corinthians 2:14
  17. Jesus does the miracle-working needed in us — Romans 8:3, 4
  18. With Jesus, everything is possible to us — Mark 10:27
  19. Jesus promises to take our worries — 1 Peter 5:7
  20. If I am willing to follow Jesus, He accepts me as I am — 2 Corinthians 8:12

It is wonderful news that Jesus keeps His Word, Titus 1:2. When He makes a promise, He keeps it. Jesus promises assurance. Accept it and it is yours.